

Is active in the field of art and photography. As an employee for the magazine publications of the NZZ am Sonntag, as well as a lecturer for various schools with a focus on design.

Ulrike Hug studied German studies, cultural studies and sociology (without a degree) at the Humboldt University in Berlin before she obtained her diploma in the Department of Cultural Studies at the University of Art and Design in Switzerland. After completing her studies, she worked for various cultural institutions in the field of mediation and production. At the end of the 2000s, she switched to the media world, where she most recently worked for various Tamedia publications as head of the picture editorial team. She has been Head of Photo Lifestyle for the NZZ am Sonntag magazine since 2019 and writes about art, literature and photography for the NZZ am Sonntag / Bellevue online portal. Ulrike Hug is also regularly active as a guest lecturer, for example for the ZHAW Lucerne, the Bern University of Art and the School of Design in Zurich.