

Deputy CEO and Head of the Department for Engineering Sciences at Empa

Scientist and leader in energy and materials research.

Dr. Peter Richners area of expertise includes energy-efficient buildings and the knowledge and technology transfer for the building sector.

He studied chemistry at ETH Zurich and subsequently obtained his doctorate. After a postdoc in the USA, he established a new research group at Empa in the field of ultratrace analysis, later headed the Corrosion and Surface Protection Department, and has been Head of the Engineering Sciences Department since 2002. He has also been deputy director since 2012.

In addition, he is active in various national and international committees. He led the Swiss Competence Centers in Energy Research «Future Energy Efficient Buildings & Districts», founded in 2014, in Phase I from 2014-2016 and is the initiator of the NEST project. His research interests are the decarbonization of the built environment and the promotion of technology transfer.